Laune Bread Fund
There is no community without bread— without our community there is no bread.
Out of response to COVID, we began an impromptu pay/give what you can bread baking/delivery campaign. Over the course of many months and now years, this small initiative supported by our members and community has turned into a bread fund that helps anyone in need of a little bread love in Minneapolis. Since March 19th, 2020, we have donated over 1,800 loaves of bread to members in our community. This includes Twin Cities Food Justice, Appetite For Change, MN Central Kitchen, Cocoa Butta Food Pantry, Soup for You, The Aliveness Project, and individuals.
If you would like to receive OR send a loaf of Bread Bread to a neighbor you can do so at little to no cost. You can do so by following the bread fund link or by sending an email request to:
From Geoffrey Wilson, of Appetite For Change:
Our North Minneapolis based Community Meals Program produces and distributes 1000's of scratch made meals to community partners and members each week, providing an essential resource for folks across the Twin Cities to access nutritious and free prepared meals. The opportunity to partner with Laune Bread and include loaves of their Bread Bread as a special element to some of these meals provided not only a delicious new food element to our menu which we don't have capacity or funding to produce, but also supported equitable access to high quality nutritional grains to folks that might not otherwise have the means to experience them. We couldn't be more supportive of a pay-it-forward model to support food equity and access!